Thursday, July 25, 2013

As in most relationships, compatibility is a key essential to its success. It's important when finding that place of belonging to also include a sense of functionality. One can feel as if they belong in a specific area but confirmation of it is shown in prospering in the position; taking things to a new stratosphere. Take for example the level of meticulousness that goes into conducting an organ transplant. Doctors cannot simply perform a transplant without ensuring that the organ in question is compatible with the body it is going into; even if it is the necessary part. Stability leads to an increase in productivity as a result of compatibility among components. If the new is not compatible with the environment it's being connected to, what will happen is a short circuit and failure in surrounding operations. This is the danger of being out of place. It's easy to believe you belong in a place where there is a vacancy and potential nudges at your ambitions, but what do you do when things begin to shut down? Do you abandon the position so necessary corrections can happen? Or would you allow your presence to continue to sabotage destiny and potentially that of those connected? It takes humility to leave a place when you have the potential to perform the duty of it. But it shows a lack of compassion to remain in a place and see the destruction of your presence infecting those exposed all because of a failure in compatibility. Many may recall the story of Jonah how being a messenger of the Lord was thrown over board because he wasn't compatible with the destiny of the boat's crew. Though his messages had the potential of blessing the crew, they were not assigned to them. It may be difficult to receive but understand that when it comes to destiny, proper connection is important. After having suffered the belly of a fish and arriving to the place of assignment, Jonah's presence was received in such a way that it brought liberty to an entire city. This is the joy of being connected to the right leader. Liberty creates room to grow because the pressure of confinement is absent, but again proper placement is the key. Remember “Proper people placement promotes progress,” is what a wise man once said. This is why it is of great importance to be connected to the right leader. The words released out of their mouth work as jumper cables to the gift(s) on the inside of you. The value of being connected with the right leader is revealed by the people being productive and advancing with excellence. There's a destiny for everyone whether it is believed to be or not. Being connected to the right leader is the determining factor of fruition; outside of one's own will. Everyone led out of Egypt was not led into the place of promise. Moses held the key to release the people from bondage. Joshua held the key to enter into the promise. This highlights the assignment of leaders and the importance of being able to receive the Word coming out of them. It is not enough to say you belong at a certain place if that place keeps you bound in the same place year after year. The Word of God is to the spirit of man as blood is to the body of man. When the heart of the body functions properly other organs and tissues prosper. And when the Word of God hits the spirit of man, the life of man prospers in every area because it conforms to His Word and will. So it is mandatory that leaders hear from God so the Body of Christ, with its many members, prospers in entirety. There's a woe level of accountability being a leader in the kingdom. The scariest part of it is scattering/mishandling the sheep, which can happen when a leader is led blindly by fleshy ambitions instead of by the Spirit. As assignments have been distributed among leadership, so are they among the sheep. Each of the twelve tribes had a different yet complimenting assignment. Though they were set apart by assignment, as a whole they were known as the children of Israel. When the leader of a camp had to be replaced, a successor who reinforced the fulfillment of the tribe's assignment blossomed out of that same camp; having been groomed by the previous leader. The new leader did not come from a neighboring tribe else frustration of calling and gifting arose. The inability to speak to their gift(s) and release them into destiny would be an example of scattering sheep. If they are not being released into destiny, they are being held back from it by default. Everything necessary for purpose and destiny to be released was already inside the camp. The only opposition to this is redirected or lack of commitment...